Friday, May 13, 2011

Top Tips On Getting Pregnant.

1- Eat a healthy  balanced diet: 

Food is very important . The body needs vitamins and minerals that are found in a variety of foods to supply the chemicals needed to produce the lining of the uterus. If you have been on the pill for a long time there may be a deficiency in some vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B complexes. This means that you might consider checking up on your diet.  Women should also take 400 micrograms of folic acid inspired part of the diet daily as this can prevent spina bifida and neural tube defects.

2 - Avoid alcohol.

It's a good idea for you both to avoid alcohol  or at least to really cut down.
There are many reasons for this, but the key is to remember that as much you want to drink, it would be a poison in the body. It reduces the sperm count for men even when men eat only small amounts. It also prevents the body from taking in those minerals and vitamins necessary for the sake of the infant. Finally, it is worth knowing that, as well as the potential to cause damage to the children yet unborn, can also cause abortion .

3 - To quit smoking.

Just like alcohol and smoking is another poison to the body. There are a lot of research to show that both men and women of low levels of fertility when the smoke. It is sad that smoking also causes the child to be born prematurely, and this affects their health in the long term and even the ability to survive.

4 - Take some gentle, regular exercise.

Exercise has many benefits and can help to reduce tension, as well as stimulate basic and some hormones. Must be both, however, avoid excessive fitness  regimens as this can actually reduce fertility levels.

5 – Enjoy each other’s  company and find time to do things together.

It is not uncommon for couples to find a baby-making stressful. It can quickly become a clinical and this in turn is likely to have some impact on your ability to conceive. Spend some time together, and enjoy yourselves can reduce any pressure. Perhaps not surprising that many couples who go away on holiday, having decided not to take the trouble with the child for a period of time, and return only to find what has been achieved pregnancy.

6 - Keep the number of sperm up by  wearing cotton  boxer trousers and avoid hot baths.

There is a common cause of low sperm count in men is simply to being overheated testicles. This means that you should avoid tight underwear, pants and a lycra hot baths and showers. You should also avoid sitting for long periods because it can reduce your fertility. If you choose boxer shorts made of cotton possible. as it take to six months to improve sperm count, you must maintain this system until the pregnancy has occurred.

7 - Know your cycle  and work out when ovulation is likely to occur.

If you take the time to work on your body when it releases an egg during your cycle, you begin to get an idea of ​​when you should be making love

8 – Have sex around the time of ovulation.

As the perception is about the sperm being in the right place at the right time, and you can increase your chances of pregnancy by making love when you're in your most fertile.

9 -  Avoid seeing "Baby making" as a race or competition .

Stress can really affect the pregnancy. Although it can be disheartening to note that suddenly everyone else seems to have a baby or young children, try not to see it as a race. Also be considered in more pressure in your life, at home or work, because it may reduce your chances of getting pregnant. Dealing with these issues as best you can, and take regular breaks out of work and time for yourself and your partner.

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